
01 February 2010

Another new beginning.

In the small number of blogs I have paid attention to up to this point there is one thing I have noticed that makes them successful - a well defined purpose. I think I have found mine, and I think it's one that is worthwhile; and a good time to try blogging as a passive way of keeping anyone who cares updated about my life.

In just over a month I will be moving to Senegal to become a Peace Corps Volunteer. To say that I am excited is an understatement to say the least. There is a lot that I need to do, a lot that I want to do, a lot that I should do, and I have no idea what takes priority.

Before I leave the country I'm going to be explaining how it is that I wound up heading to Africa, but before I can even start that I need an Aspiration Statement. That is what you have to look forward to in the next couple days, because I need to have it done in the next couple days.

1 comment:

  1. David! I'm so glad that everything is coming together for you!! and looking forward to reading about it on your blog. Hope to see? or at least hear from you before you're up off and away, but even if I don't - *big hug* and lots of encouragement!!
    God Bless!
