
11 February 2010


One of the most common questions I get when I am telling people that I have decided to become a Peace Corps volunteer is, “Why Peace Corps?” Well, here you go.

I think it really started in High School, but I’m sure there are roots that go further back than that. Either way, I have felt for a long time that some form of civil service is an important experience for one to have as part of growing up. Historically the men in my family have chosen the military in one form or another; meanwhile a good number of the females have spent some time working in hospital, and more recently in various assisted living situations. The desire and sense of responsibility to help others when possible seems to have always been in my family for a long time.

The more I thought about it the more clear it became that the armed forces were not for me, and my interests aren’t exactly pointing me in the medical direction either. So then I started thinking about what I like to do, and what goals I have set for myself. There were two big ones that stood out for me. ONE: during my time at UWGB I developed an interest in Anthropology, TWO: I have always held on to the impossible goal of visiting every country in the world.

Thats when it became clear, Peace Corps forces me to travel somewhere new, somewhere that a typical tourist would rarely dream of going. Not only that, but the only way to truly be an effective Peace Corps volunteer is to really get into the culture of the place you are serving. I’m also going to be doing another something I enjoy, learning a new language, in this case French. Unfortunately this particular language does not overlap with the German project I am working on before I leave. But, I think I would be disappointed if that were the case anyway.

Plus, get this, it’s also a career builder. Not only am I pretty sure Peace Corps looks awesome on a resume, but I’m also working as an Environmental Education volunteer which is more than likely the career I’m looking for in the long run.

So there you have it. The long and short of why I decided to apply as a Peace Corps Volunteer.

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